Master Your Sexual Energy
Create the reality of your dreams by harnessing the power of your most powerful energy
Do you love having sex but also seek spiritual freedom?
Semen retention helps you to become the master of your sexual energy and transform it into your greatest benefit
Watch some videos on my YouTube
21-Day Semen Retention Mastery Journey
An easy-to-follow road map for mastering your sexual energy and applying semen retention in your life.
Ignite Yourself Through Semen Retention
Do you want to learn more about semen retention and how you can get started? Semen retention is an ancient art – aimed to awaken a deeper power within yourself for a greater life experience. Get a free course preview and access to the first video in the 21-day semen retention mastery journey.
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Hannes Jacobsson
About Hannes Jacobsson
Hannes have a passion for sexual alchemy and evolution of the soul. He helps people see themselves clearer and awaken their true colors.
Born and raised in Sweden, now a world nomad who has lived together and studied with many masters and practitioners in Taoism, Tantra, Shamanism, and Kung Fu (Shaolin Monks).
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